Saturday, October 23, 2010


当你忧伤时, 请拨..........................................约翰福音 14
当你犯了罪, 请拨............................................. 诗篇 51
当你面对危难, 请拨............................................诗篇 91
当所有人都令你失望, 请拨......................................诗篇 27
当你觉得上帝离你好远, 请拨.................................. 诗篇 139
当你的信心需要鼓励时, 请拨................................希伯来书 11
当你又孤单又惧怕时, 请拨..................................... 诗篇 23
当你担忧时, 请拨....................................马太福音 8:19–34
当你受伤害,心怀不平时, 请拨............................ 哥林多前书 13
当你怀疑信仰时, 请拨 ......................... 哥林多后书 5:15-18
当你觉得被遗弃被隔绝时, 请拨.......................... 罗马书 8:31-39
当你寻找平安时, 请拨.................................马太福音11:25-30
当你觉得世界比上帝更大时, 请拨............................... 诗篇 90
当你需要好像需要保险时, 请拨........................ 罗马书8:1-30
当你出门远行时, 请拨........................................ 诗篇 121
当你为自己祷告时, 请拨....................................... 诗篇 87
当你需要勇气去完成一项工作时, 请拨........................ 约书亚书 1
当你为投资与通涨昼夜思虑时, 请拨................... 马可福音 10:17-31
当你心情低落时, 请拨......................................... 诗篇 27
当你的银行户口结余是零时, 请拨................................诗篇 37
当你对所有人失去信心时, 请拨............................ 哥林多前书13
当你觉得周围的人不友善时, 请拨............................ 约翰福音15
当你失去盼望时, 请拨........................................ 诗篇 126
当你觉得世界比你小时, 请拨................................... 诗篇 19
当你希望结出果子时, 请拨...................................约翰福音15
使徒保罗拥有喜乐的秘诀, 请拨........................ 歌罗西书 3:12-17
当你碰到很好的机遇或洞察先机时, 请拨..................... 以赛亚书 55
当你想与其他人和睦相处时, 请拨...............................罗马书12

To all the parents out there...

Pencil: I'm sorry
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorr...y cos you get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. :)

"I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.
All my life, I've been the pencil.. And it pains me to see the eraser that is my parents getting smaller and smaller each day. For I know that one day, all that I'm left with would be eraser shavings and memories of what I used to have..."

[source: Shared by a friend of mine from Facebook]

Friday, October 22, 2010

Why no update blog?

So sorry for not blogging for so long. I was very busy recently…with company’s events and busy looking for a nursery for Samuel.

Ok… Let’s talk about the company’s events. Last Friday we had the Long Service Award Dinner for all the 5 and 10 years employees. I was selected to be the usher for that night. Overall the event was held successfully and the food was nice. Not much photos to share, just some of the photos of the dishes we had and photos taken together with colleagues.

Then on Monday (18 Oct) we had a surprise birthday celebration for 2 of our beloved colleagues, Sha and Has, at Rashitah’s house. Rashitah sent an email to invite us to her house for a “makan-makan” session, said wanna celebrate belated Raya and early Hari Raya Haji. Both Sha and Has were so surprised when they found out that it’s for their birthday. Food was nice too. Below are some photos to share.

~The birthday girls, Sha and Has~

~Here are the food we had. Laksa Sarawak, sardine puff, lasagna, jelly, honey dew and so on~

On Wednesday, Diana and I had a girls lunch out together. Mmm… nothing special, just wanna hang out together, enjoy some nice food and had some fun chit chat with each other. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, Giant Kulim. After that we went for an “express shopping” to get some hair accessories for Nani, Diana’s daughter as she is going to present a dance on her school concert this Sat.

A lot of food huh… that’s why I never dare to update about how my progress of tying to lose those extra kgs… :p However, praise the Lord as the number is still the same, 55.5kg even though I skip quite a few times of Herbalife. I saw this blogger, who is one of the successful example of manage to lose weight by consuming Herbalife. She has stopped taking Herbalife as she has achieved her ideal weight. But she continue to consume the tea mix, which I believe that is the secret of staying on the ideal weight where she still can still take any food she likes. She actually take the photos of all the food she had everyday. I think it is very good as she get to monitor her intake. Maybe I should do that too, so that I will be more aware on what I am taking and better reminder to myself that, I need to stop eating like a hungry ghost but to control… *ha, Hope it’s not “just think only” thing*

As for the nursery thing, David and I finally decided to send Samuel to nursery or day care center. We want him to go to school, learn how to socialize with other children and hope that he can learn something there like ABC or 123. So far we have visited about 5 centers – 2 Q-Dees centers, 2 D-Monte centers and the other one is Krista Kindergarten. For the time being, Q-Dees is on top of our list. Both David and I love the syllabus of Q-Dees and the teaching method the teachers used to teach the 3 years old toddlers. We love D-Monte too as they have a branch near our house. As for Q-Dees, the nearest branch is near to our company. If we were to send Samuel to D-Monte, then he does not have to wake up so early to go to the school. But in case of emergency, David and I need to travel all the way from Kulim to Butterworth which will take us more than 30 mins. On the other hand, if we send Samuel to Q-Dees, which is near to our work place, then Samuel will need to wake up very early so that we can send him to the center before we go to work. The advantage is we can get to him faster in case of emergency. Hhhmmm…. Headache… Anyway, the most important of all, we hope that Samuel can get use of the new environment as soon as possible. Both centers provide us 1 to 2 weeks of free trial session. So, let see how Samuel will be doing… :)   By sending Samuel to day care, then we don’t have to trouble our parents to come over again to take care of Samuel again since they can’t really get used of the life over here. Pray that everything will be fine.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Samuel first hair cut at the saloon

We used to cut Samuel's hair ourselves at home. But Samuel hates it. We always cut his hair before his bath. Whenever he sees us take the scissors and comb, he will start crying already. So, every time the hair cutting sessions will end with vomits, screaming and cryings... (-_-)"... And the "end product" is.... er.... "not very nice"... :p Like this photo below...

I can't remember when was the last time we cut his hair. But yesterday I just could not stand it anymore so I asked David to bring Samuel to the saloon and cut his hair. Maybe he would not cry when strangers cut his hair. So we brought him to a saloon near our house. I told him there would be pretty "jie jie" cutting your hair so you must not cry. Samuel nodded his said means ok. * wink *

To bad when we reached there, it was a "go go"... not "jie jie"... Samuel started to show me this "I don't like him" face and started making "complaining" sound... and.... he started crying. But, he didn't cry out loud, just soft and.... shy cry... as there were 3 jie jies over there watching him... hahaha... so maybe that was the reason he never cried or screamed like he used to do at home. I hold him in my arm when the stylist cut his hair. I gave Samuel 90 out of 100 marks for his "performance". Happy with him :)  No vomits! hahaha...

When the stylist turn off the cutter (is it the cutter? the electric one?), Samuel looked at me and said, "No more!" then he turned to the stylist and say " Bye bye!" Everyone laughed... He stopped crying immediately when done. aaa... Mummy little Samuel aaa.... Isn't he cute? So, this is how Samuel's hair looks now...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Treasure Hunt

Last week was the company's EHS Week (EHS = Environment Health and Safety). There were a lot of interesting activities related to environment and safety issues being organized. One of the activities that I joint was treasure hunt. It was held on Friday (8 Sep). There were18 groups of us, each groups contained 2 participants. The prizes for the treasure hunt was quite attractive:
1st prize - Cash money RM500
2nd prize - Cash money RM300
3rd prize - Cash money RM250
Consolation prizes - hamper
Participation - KFC vouchers

I paired with Nadia, a mommy-to-be and we called ourselves as "Mama Mia" (the team name) *yeah!*. All the teams were given a set of questions where we needed to answer the questions in sequence in order for us to get to each check point to collect the "treasure". The "treasure" was pieces of a puzzle and there were 7 of them. After we had got all those 7 pieces of puzzles, we had to go back to the starting point to put all of them together. Nadia and I didn't know that there were 7 pieces of them. We thought there was only 1. We only got to know that half way during the game. We went back to find all the missing puzzles and we were lucky that we managed to collect all the puzzles and completed the hunt on time. We were so surprise and happy when we got consolation prize! It was fun... :)

~Nadia and me... happy with our hamper!~

~With other participants.~

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who don't like cute stuff?

I like cute stuff, especially teddy bear…
I am attracted to this phone decoration, which I saw on my friend, Chin’s blog. It’s a bear bear!!

 [ Photo from Chin's blog]

Chin was my housemate for 5 years during uni time. She and I are both Aries. Our birthdays are 3 days apart. Mine is on 9th April and hers on 12th April. We used to be very close but after graduated, I moved back to Kuching, busy with work so we sort of like lost contact for a while, until we found each other in Facebook! haha... Now she's a mother of 2 and working as a lecturer in MMU (our uni last time). It feels great to "catch her back" after all these years.

Ok, back to the bear... I like the brown color one so I quickly dropped her a message to check whether she’s selling those bears or not and she said yes. I was so happy when I got the bear bear yesterday.

Besides the bear bear, there's a short note from Chin and some horoscope stickers (free gift ? *sweet*) .
Can't wait already, quickly put it on!
Yeah! Me and my cute little bear... :)

If you are interested, you can also drop by at her blog to have a look. She's also selling pot flower bouquet which are nice too.  :)

*Chin, thank you. *

Monday, October 4, 2010


" 忍耐" 一直是我该学习,可是又学不好的功课。从小,爸爸妈妈时常劝我,说我的脾气不好,没耐性,如果不改掉我那急躁又容易发脾气行为,将来无论发生什么事,吃亏的都会是自己。当时我都没太在意他们的劝告,一直到上大学,离开家里自己一个人在外面生活的时候,才知道爸爸妈妈的话是多么的真实。现在想起,如果当时我忍一忍,很多事情的结局可能就不一样了。

出来工作以后,"忍耐"更是非常重要的。工作越久,就会遇见越多"形态"的人。哈! 或者我该说,什么样的人都有。有些人很容易"处理",可是有些人却需要以“忍耐”的心和态度来应付。


歌林多前书 13:7

 " 凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。"

" 主啊,求你使我有颗愿意受教的心,听从你的旨意。你知道我的软弱,求你保守我,赐给我力量,无论在什么事情上,都依靠你。求你怜悯我,教导我凡事都要忍耐。时时刻刻牢记你的话语,在一切事上都能荣耀你的名。"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

SAHM for 5 days

Mom went back to Kuching on 28 Sep. But MIL will only come over on 2 Oct. So I have to take 3 days leave to take care of Samuel myself at home.

We took half day leave to send mom to air port on 28 Sep. Samuel cried when he saw mom leaving. Mom was sad too... she kissed Samuel then walked to the departure hall... she never turned back to look at us. I knew she was crying already... Samuel cried all the way till we went down the stairs to ground floor where we headed to our car. In the car I asked him, where is grandma? He made this "baby cry" sound and frown. He didn't want me to talk about grandma. I called mom before she board the plane. Samuel took my phone and talked to mom in his baby language. He kept calling grandma. When I took the phone over, mom was sobbing. ah! I hate goodbyes!

After we went mom to the airport, we drove back to Butterworth and reached home about 6:30pm. I quickly fed Samuel dinner then we brought him to the pediatrician as he was coughing very badly since Monday. I got very stress when I saw all the medicine... Samuel hates to take medicine and I am really not good in giving medicine. 9 out of 10 times he will vomit. But my mom can do it very well. Samuel never throw up if it's my mom who give him medicine. Anyway, I managed to get Samuel to eat his medicine. He is better today. Thank God.

I am so glad that Samuel behaved very well these 3 days. I love spending time with him... yes... just he and me... :)