Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seeing Samuel after 1 month

David and I went back to Kuching last week to see Samuel. It has been 1 month plus since we last saw him. We reached Kuching around 9pm on 15 Jan 2010. Samuel was still awake when I reached home and he was playing with his toys. I called him and walked nearer to him. He had this "who are you" look on his face and stared at me for a few second. Then he smiled at me. I could not control and tears just rolled down... I hugged him and kissed him. I missed him so much... But he pushed me away... He looked towards my mom... I carried him into my arms, but he stretched out his hands to my mom... He forgot who I was... I felt so sad...

But things got better the next day. I spent lots of time playing with him, talking to him, fed him, and bath him. I think he remembered who I was. He became very "stick" to me. haha... I was so glad! David and I asked Adrian to take family photo for us the second day. We had lots of fun! We started around 4pm, and we were glad that the weather was real nice that day as it had been raining non-stop in Kuching that week. We took the photos at home and a small play ground near by. Will post the photo once we got it from Faith. (*Faith, I can't wait to see those pics!)

We brought Samuel to see doctor on the 3rd day. He didn't want to drink milk and his appetite was real poor those few days. We found that his gum was a bit swollen and it was dark green color. Doctor said it was mild infection, maybe due to bacteria. We suspected so, as Samuel likes to put his finger in his mouth, maybe because he was teething and he felt uncomfortable. However, he is getting better now.

We flew back here on 18 Jan 2010. Felt really sad when leaving... and it was raining when we're on our way to airport. I cried again... But on the other hand, I was glad as Samuel is in good hand. I believe my mom will take good care of him. :)
*Mom, thank you.*

Our next trip back will be on 7 Feb 2010, for Chinese New Year. It's about 2 weeks from now. Looking forward to see Samuel... *muak! Samuel, Mummy loves you!*