Friday, February 27, 2009

Roll over

My mom said, babies normally will learn to roll over about 4 months old. Samuel is 3 months plus and going to be 4 months old in another 2 more weeks time. I found him trying to roll over since 1 week ago, but he didn't success. This afternoon, he made it! Although only for one time... haha... cos when he tried for 2nd and 3rd time, he could not roll over anymore. But I am still happy and proud of him.

Keep trying, son! You can make it!!

Cradle cap

Samuel has cradle cap, not much... little on the middle of his scalp. Cradle cap is very common to new born babies of two weeks to six months of age. It is yellowish or light brown in color, that looks like dandruff, but thicker. The cradle cap normally will drop off by itself, and we don't purposely try to remove them because this will hurt the baby's delicate scalp. So, I just shampoo Samuel's hair everyday to keep his head clean, to prevent the cradle cap from getting thicker.

BUT... Samuel scratched his head the other day when I was busy with something in the study room. He was sleeping outside in the living and when I heard him cry and rushed out to have a look at him, this is what I found...

My poor little baby...
Next time, I will make sure he is within my vision, no matter what I am doing.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New baby in the family

I'm so happy today! My younger sister, Christine just gave birth to a healthy baby boy today!

Christine called us last night saying that she was not feeling right. She had mild contraction since last night, and it became stronger this morning around 7am. Her husband, Stephan sent her to the Sibu Specialist Center immediately. After 6 hours, she delivered the baby in the afternoon. Christine went for natural birth, without epidural. She is indeed a strong and brave mother. Good job, sister! Christine and Stephan decided to name their baby Joshua. I will post the pictures of Joshua picture as soon as I get them.

My mom took the 10:30am flight back to Sibu and that means, from today onward, there will only be me, Samuel, Christabel (my youngest sister) and Clarence (my younger brother) at home. I will be the boss now! hahaha...

Kind of excited and worry... I'm not sure whether I can cope with it or not as I need to do the cooking, cleaning and take care of Samuel all by my own. But I think it's a good time for me to train myself. All the while, my mom was there for me, do the cooking, cleaning and helping me to take care of Samuel. Since I will be moving over to Kedah soon, and won't bring my mother along, I think it's better for me to use this period to "experience" the "stay home mom" job. Wish me good luck!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

情人节快乐 Happy Valentine's Day

For my beloved husband...

"老公,thank you very much for the roses. They are very beautiful and I like it! I was really surprise when I got the roses. I never thought that I will receive any flowers on this year Valentine's Day. It's very sweet of you for sending me the roses eventhough you are not in Kuching . Thank you, 老公! 你的用心,让我好感动!

老公, you are the "BESTEST" hubby in the world. Thank you for being so patient to me all the time. 你对我的呵护和关怀,是那么的无微不至! 你是我幸福的源头. I am truely blessed by having you in my life. I promise you, I will be a good wife! I will cook as many nice dishes for you as possible. And I will teach Samuel to call "Ba Ba" first when he start learning to talk next time.

老公, all I want to say is, I love you and I will always do."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bath time!!

I think Samuel looks at his cutest during bath time. Took a series of photo during his bath time yesterday. Hope you all enjoy looking at them like I do :)

This is my mommy dearest. I am very blessed to have her around to help me to take care of Samuel. "Love you always, Mommy!"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our little prince

It was April 2008 and we were still working in S'pore that time. My period was 1 week delayed. I never paid much attention on it as my period never "on-time" before. I decided to do the pregnancy test after my "waited" for 2 weeks and the "big aunty" still didn't come. And wa-la!!
I was so excited when I saw the result and called hubby immediately (who was on the way back from work). We then went to see a gyne immediately and we saw Samuel for the first time. Basically he was just a "black dot" at that time. The most amazing thing was when I heard his heart beat... Both hubby and I cried when we heard his heart beat.
This was how he looked like when 3 months old in my tummy...
It was a smooth pregnancy. I had no morning sickness or anything. I ate what I wanted to eat and... I felt great. We decided to go for C-section delivery on 12 Nov 2008, in Kuching Normah Medical Center.
Thank God as it was a smooth delivery too and I experienced zero pain throughout the recovery stage. I remembered I could get down from bed and walked around on the 2nd day. :)

Like most of the Asian baby, Samuel suffered from jaundice. So he had to go through the photo-therapy.
 We discharged from the hospital when Samuel's jaudice level backed to normal. Samuel was a good baby throughout the confinement. Basically just milk, poo, sleep, milk, poo, sleep... :)
Pray that little Samuel will grow up to be a healthy boy and a God fearing person.