Sunday, May 23, 2010

Samuel, 18 months old

We went back to Kuching on 14 May... to see Samuel and to attend a friend's wedding.

As usual, we took the Friday night flight back, and reached home about 9 something and Samuel was still awake. Mom told him that we were going back to see him and when we reached home, we could see him standing at the window and waving his hands, like welcoming us back. haha... he is so cute!! As we stepped into the living room, I called him and he came right to me... I smelt his hair, his face, his ears... "Mummy misses you so much, Samuel!"

I was not feeling well when we went back this time, had flu and cough. I worried Samuel might get it too so I didn't get to hold him so frequent and didn't sleep with him at night... *sad* But Samuel had great time playing with Daddy... :)

Mom told me on the phone the other day that recently Samuel likes to see our wedding album. When he saw a picture of me he would point and said," Mama.." Sometimes, Mom would point and asked," Who is this?" And he would answer," Mama..." hahaha... I was so happy when I heard that.

We decided to bring Samuel over to stay with us in Penang in June. We have not get a baby sitter, so My mom will come over baby sit Samuel while David and I are working. Mom cannot be here in Penang for long, so my mother in law will take over after my mom go back to Kuching. Unfortunately, my MIL also cannot stay here in Penang for long. So, Mom and MIL will take turn to come over to Penang to baby sit Samuel for us, till we get a baby sitter for Samuel. Pray that we can find a loving, hygienic and responsible baby sitter for Samuel soon...

David and I are counting the days, can't wait to bring Samuel over! We are looking forwards for the days that we can kiss him every night and day, hold him in our arms all the time, hear him call Papa Mama...

Sunday, May 9, 2010



我记得当我们还在读书的时候,您每天早上五点就起身为我们预备丰富的早餐。不但如此,您还帮我们预备牙膏牙刷,和温温的水给我们洗脸。校服早在前一晚熨好了,那么的清香、笔挺。吃完了早餐,换上校服,拿了书包,您就开车载我们上学。放学还要到学校接我们回家。当我们放学到家时,桌上已摆满我们喜欢吃的食物。我们一起吃午餐,有说有笑,大声的报告给您听那天在学校发生的大小事。吃饱后,您就会催我们去冲凉,之后又载我们去补习。我还记得在我读小三的时候,刚开始读马来文和英文,您每晚都盯着我,要我学生字,spelling,不会的话,还会被打。我记得当我考PMR & SPM 时,好压力,睡不好,您都会炖补品给我,还给我安慰与鼓励。


我记得当我开始工作第二年的农历新年,因为我要值班,所以不能回诗巫老家过年,您就和爸爸,弟弟妹妹全家人到古晋来陪我,让我还能吃到丰富又温馨的团圆饭。您怕我辛苦,买了一辆车给我,好让我能开车去上班。您和爸爸还因为我在古晋工作,寄人篱下不方便,就在古晋买了一间房子,想搬到古晋住。可是在屋子建好前,我要到新加坡去工作。当我告诉您我要去新加坡工作时,您哭了... 那是不因为您不舍得我,您担心我,您不想我去,可是最后您还是祝福我...




I want to let you know,
How much that I love you.
As a Mother and a Grandmother,
You’ve shown what love can do,
For you are a true example,
Of how a Mother should be,
Demonstrating a Godly faith,
That you’ve passed down to me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010




从小学开始一直到中学毕业,我们都同睡一间房,同一张queen size bed。小学时我们中间都会用bolster 做divider,因为我的睡相不好,常在半夜的时候一巴掌的给你呼下去,害得你惊醒起来大哭。好怀念那时常在睡前躺在床上和你谈天的时间,谈我们暗恋的男生,谈我们讨厌的女生,谈我们喜欢的名星歌手。小时候我们无论做什么都是一起的,一起去学钢琴,一起上补习班,一起参加歌唱比赛,好开心!




祝你生日蒙恩... Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. [1 Corinthians 1:3]

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Mother's Love

There are times when only a mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.

There are times when only a mother's love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we've dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a mother's faith
Can help us on life's way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a mother's heart and a mother's faith
And a mother's steadfast love
Were fashioned by the angels
And sent from God above.

Update from Mom

Mom called me in the office this afternoon....

Mom: Poor Samuel he actually knows everything, just that he doesn't know how to speak it out.
Me: What do you mean?
Mom: He saw Papa (my Dad) eating potato chips and he wanted to eat too. But I told Papa not to give him. He's too young for potato chips. Then you know what he did?
Me: aha... what?
Mom: He hold onto Papa's hand and brought him to me. I was sitting at the table and your Papa stand innocently in front of me with the "totally no idea what his grandson wanna do" look on his face. Then Samuel tapped on my leg, like wanted to tell me something. So I bend down and asked him what he want. He put one hand on my shoulder, looked into my eyes, then pointed to Papa, who was holding the chips on his hand. Actually he was pointing at the chips.
Me: hahahahaha.... *I can imagine how Samuel looked like when he did that*
Mom: *laughing out loud and trying her very best to stop laughing as she had not finished her story* Poor Samuel... he was trying to ask me to get the potato chips from Papa and gave him.
Me: Then did you give him?
Mom: Of course not.... I gave him a toy instead. hahaha...

I miss my little Samuel very much. Counting the days till our next trip back to see him again...